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Systems and processes

From the outside looking in

From the outside looking in

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One of the biggest hurdles for locums is actually being told about complaints. Here Terri Bonnici, general practice complaints manager, highlights the locum’s role in the complaints investigation process to reduce the risk of this happening

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Factsheet 22/01/2015

Safe prescribing - Northern Ireland

Safe prescribing - Northern Ireland

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Medication errors account for approximately 20% of all clinical negligence claims against doctors in both primary and secondary care. The costs associated with adverse events and inappropriate prescribing have been estimated at more than £750 million per year. This factsheet gives advice about avoiding prescribing errors.

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Factsheet 01/10/2014

Controlled drugs - Scotland

Controlled drugs - Scotland

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Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001), GPs have a responsibility for controlled drugs (CDs) within their practice. This factsheet highlights what you should be aware of when carrying, storing and recording controlled drugs.

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Your repeat prescribing journey

Location: In-house (Read more for further details)
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Your repeat prescribing journey

Repeat prescribing is a complex journey that accounts for 75% of prescriptions issued in general practice. With more than 20 steps from the initial decision to prescribe to the patient finally taking the medication, the opportunity for error is great. Therefore, it is no wonder that errors in repeat prescribing frequently occur.

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Articles and features 02/04/2014

Top five medicolegal hazards for junior doctors

Top five medicolegal hazards for junior doctors

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Good doctors apply clinical knowledge in a way that is legally and ethically correct – but all doctors can slip up. Here are survival tips for the top five medicolegal risks for junior doctors, writes Charlotte Hudson

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Controlled drugs - Northern Ireland

Controlled drugs - Northern Ireland

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In Northern Ireland, unlike England and Wales, out-of-hours (OOH) organisations may expect GPs to carry and use controlled drugs (CDs) from their own stock. This factsheet highlights what you should be aware of when carrying, storing and recording controlled drugs.

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Factsheet 01/04/2014

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Wales

Raising concerns and whistleblowing - Wales

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One of the most difficult situations faced by any clinician is when you are concerned that a colleague’s behaviour, health or professional performance may be placing patients at risk. This factsheet outlines your duty to raise concerns when patients may be at risk of harm.

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Articles and features 01/02/2014

Case study - an unfortunate prescription

Case study - an unfortunate prescription

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Mrs H was a 35-year-old teaching assistant who also had two school-aged children. She was obese with a BMI of 40. In 2006, she had seen Dr G with left knee pain. Dr G recorded that on examination her knee was tender over her medial joint line but was otherwise stable. He initially prescribed diclofenac and advised her to lose weight.

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Articles and features 04/01/2014

Collateral damage

Collateral damage

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The sooner you call MPS about an ethical or legal dilemma, the sooner the matter can be resolved. Professor Carol Seymour, Dr Tom Mosedale, Dr Richard Brittain and Sara Williams explore how and why Collateral-damage foundation doctors get into troubleCollateral-damage foundation doctors get into trouble

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Factsheet 01/10/2013

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

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Complaints in health and social care: standards and guidelines for resolution and learning (2009) aims to provide a simple, consistent approach for staff who handle complaints, and for patients who raise complaints across all health and social care services.

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Factsheet 01/10/2013

Report writing - Northern Ireland

Report writing - Northern Ireland

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One incident can be investigated in a number of different ways – as a complaint, a clinical negligence claim, a criminal case, a disciplinary matter by your employer, a Coroner’s inquest or a complaint to the GMC. An important starting point is your written report on the circumstances of the incident. This factsheet gives more information about writing this report.

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Safe prescribing

Safe prescribing

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Medication errors account for approximately 20% of all clinical negligence claims against doctors in both primary and secondary care. The costs associated with adverse events and inappropriate prescribing has been estimated at more than £750 million per year. This factsheet gives advice about avoiding prescribing errors.

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