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Clinical risk management
Articles and features 22/07/2019

Learning from Locums

Learning from Locums

Time to read article: 5 mins
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In this article, medicolegal consultant Dr Rachel Birch talks with Dr Richard Fieldhouse, Chairman of NASGP, about how the experiences of locum GPs have led NASGP to design systems to save practices and locum GPs time, provide information and improve patient care.

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Case report 18/07/2019

An early presentation

An early presentation

Time to read article: 2 mins
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Baby T was eight weeks old when his mother brought him to his GP’s morning surgery. His mother had become increasingly concerned about his general irritability and frequent crying episodes, which lasted up to two hours. These had become apparent over the past three days, not settling with breast feeding.

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Case report 18/07/2019

Back again with cauda equina syndrome

Back again with cauda equina syndrome

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When Mrs C, a keen golfer in her early forties, began to experience constant pain in her lower back, she consulted a GP at her local surgery. Dr P took a history of slow onset of pain with restricted mobility. He did not examine her, but prescribed an NSAID and advised Mrs C to return in two weeks if there was no improvement.

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Case report 20/06/2019

Delayed diagnosis of lung cancer

Delayed diagnosis of lung cancer

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Mr U has a hernia repair and is later diagnosed with lung cancer. He makes a claim against two surgeons involved, alleging it should have been identified sooner.

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Case report 22/05/2019

A tale of two doctors: the junior and the consultant

A tale of two doctors: the junior and the consultant

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Dr Marika Davies, medicolegal consultant, looks at the recent case of GA v Greater Glasgow Health Board [2019] CSOH 31, where the death of a 77-year-old patient raised questions over where the liability for the negligence lay: the junior doctor or the consultant?

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Articles and features 21/05/2019

A potted history of medicine

A potted history of medicine

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Throughout history, doctors have treated patients, and doctors have made mistakes. We delve deep into the past to see what doctors used to get away with

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Articles and features 20/12/2018

12 record keeping tips

12 record keeping tips

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We have made a list of the things to remember when it comes to making and retaining good patient records.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018



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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Case report 27/11/2018

Video: Chain reaction

Video: Chain reaction

Time to read article: 6 mins
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This video provides some valuable lessons in diagnosis, documentation and the information that needs to be communicated to patients.

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Case report 24/10/2018

Missed bowel perforation leads to complications and a large settlement

Missed bowel perforation leads to complications and a large settlement

Time to read article: 1 mins
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A woman is seen by a consultant gynaecologist, scheduled to have a diagnostic laparoscopy and her copper IUD removed. After the laparoscopy the woman is in pain, which worsens as a diagnosis is missed.

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