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Top Tips for CVs and Applications

Post date: 31/08/2014 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

cvTop 5 Tips...

1. Your CV/Application won't get you the job.

An impressive CV won't get you the job on its own, but it will hopefully get you to the interview stage, which is why it's important to follow these 5 easy steps.

2. Keep it simple.

Given that your employer will likely receive hundreds of CV's and will usually spend 15-20 seconds inspecting a CV, it''s important to make it clear and concise.

If your future employer cannot find what they are looking for in those first 20 seconds the chances are it will find the bin! We suggest that a CV should cover no more than 2 sides of A4 and you have clear categories for each section.

3. Stand out from the crowd. 

An employer will always want to employ the best possible candidate, which is why you have to make yourself stand out from the crowd. 

The chances are you will be interviewed against fellow class mates, who all have the same qualifications as yourself, which is why you need to make the interviewer know why you are different. List any achievements, work experience or personal goals you may have. But be realistic, the employer will know you are just on you way to becoming a newly qualified dentist, so wont expect you to have a vast experience in all aspects of dentistry.

4. Put yourself in the shoes of the Foundation Dental Adviser.

Have a good think about the sort of person they are after and try to match this up to your own attributes. You can also use this to highlight areas in your CV which you think they will find most interesting.

5. Check, check and check again.

Keep your CV error free. All computers have a spell check facility, so use it. Another way to reduce the risk of errors is to get someone else to look over it for you, then have a day or so away from the CV and then look over it again.

Remember if you are a member of Dental Protection, their team are always there to help, if you are having any problems or would like some advice please visit Dental Protection.

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