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Assessment tips and techniques for Final years

Post date: 29/09/2014 | Time to read article: 4 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Assessment-tipsYou need to impress during your dental foundation training assessments. This article will provide you with tips and techniques to use during your assessments.

Assessments form a key role in the recruitment process for young dentists wishing to get a place in foundation training. It allows the recruiter a chance to find out more about your skills, knowledge and experience so they can judge your suitability for the position. During the assessment you will have two face to face assessments, each of ten minutes and a written situational judgement test.

Remember, the interviewer is just another person. For all you know, this could be their first time interviewing someone. They might be nervous too.

Be Prepared

If you turn up to an assessment unprepared, it shows. Not only does being prepared look far more professional, but it can help to calm your nerves.

You need to find out in advance:

  • Where and when the assessment is taking place
  • How long they expect the assessment to last
  • What format the assessment is in
  • If there will be any tests or group exercises
  • If you are required to bring something specific along with you

You will find that most assessment invitation letters will tell you the information above. If in doubt, call to check.

Once you know all the above:

  • Work out how you are going to get to the assessment. If you're not sure of where you're going it can be worthwhile doing a test run.
  • Check if there are any planned travel disruptions on the day of your assessment.

Preparing for the big day:

  • Make sure you write down all the key points which you want to make. Use the job description and person specification to help you; how do you fit and make the best candidate?
  • Many other candidates will have similar abilities and might even be graduating from the same dental school class as you. How will you distinguish yourself.
  • Try to have a good night's sleep before the assessment. Staying up partying won't help your concentration and yawning won't help secure the job!

What to wear:

  • Pick out your outfit a good few days before. Try not to leave it until the morning of or the night before. That's when you find out you have a big stain on your top and you have nothing else to wear!
  • It's always best to have a backup outfit planned too, just in case.
  • Wear something formal, such as a suit or a smart dress. Avoid anything that's too short or would be better suited to a night out on the town.
  • Make sure your outfit has been washed and it's ironed.
  • Clean your shoes!
  • Avoid wearing any fragrance that is overpowering. You might think you smell nice, but it might not be to everyone's taste.
  • Definitely do not drink beforehand, even if it's just one to calm your nerves. Your interviewer could smell the alcohol from you. To keep a clear head its better not to drink the night before either.
  • Smokers should try and resist a quick cigarette on the way to the assessment or while waiting to go in. Try to wait until you're finished. For non-smokers they might find the smell over-powering. Even if you don't think you smell of cigarettes, someone who is not used to the smell will pick up on it.

What to take with you:

  • Assessment invitation letter.
  • Application form.
  • Any points you want to make about your suitability for the role.
  • Any questions you want to ask.
  • Cash in case you need to grab a taxi at the last minute.

On the Big Day:

  • Eat properly and drink plenty of water. This will help you stay focused.
  • Arrive early, preferably at least 10 minutes early. This gives you enough time to check yourself in the mirror (no spinach in your teeth!), turn off your phone and mentally prepare. If for some reason you're delayed then call ahead to let them know and apologise.
  • First impressions are important. Time to remember your manners and a smile!
  • Try to remember the name of the person who you are here to see. You'll need to tell the receptionist who you are, what time your appointment is at and who with. And remember, receptionists talk to the rest of the organisation too!
  • Switch off your mobile phone. Nothing worse than that seriously awkward moment when your phone goes off in the middle of an assessment. And whatever you do, don't answer it!

During the Assessment:

  • When you meet your interviewer(s) shake hands with them. Do the same when you leave.
  • Try to keep relaxed throughout the assessment with a friendly expression. Don't relax too much and slump in your chair!
  • If there is more than one person interviewing you, maintain good eye contact with the person who asked the question. Occasionally look at the rest on the panel too.
  • Listen carefully to each question.
  • If you're not sure what's being asked of you, then ask for the question to be repeated.
  • Avoid just giving one word answers. Expand and support your answer with examples.
  • Try to answer every question as best you can, even if you think you've already been asked it before. If you're not sure how to answer it, ask if you can come back to it at the end of the assessment.
  • Speak clearly and make sure that you're talking loudly enough for the interviewer(s) to hear you. Avoid speaking too quickly, let them hear what you're saying.
  • Stay calm! They're not trying to trip you up, they just want to make sure they pick the right person for the job by seeing how you react and answer different questions/in certain situations.
  • You might find that interviewer(s) take notes while you give your answers. This is just so that they can remind themselves of the points you make. Try not to let this put you off.
  • If you find you like to fidget or wave your arms about when you're nervous in assessments, it's worthwhile trying to find a technique that will help you to manage your movements. Otherwise it might divert the interviewer(s) attention away from your performance.
  • At the end you will likely be given the chance to ask some questions. Use this to your advantage; show that you're interested by asking questions. You should have these pre-prepared so you're ready to ask away! You really only need around three, but you could have more ready just in case the answer to one of your questions is answered in the assessment.

Now go get your dream job!

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