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Consultation response to HSCSC inquiry on burnout

Consultation response to HSCSC inquiry on burnout

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MPS submission to the Health and Social Care Select Committee inquiry into workforce burnout and resilience in the NHS and social care

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Press release 18/01/2017

MPS response to the GMC's guidance on consent

MPS response to the GMC's guidance on consent

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the General Medical Council’s (GMC) survey on its Consent guidance.

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Press release 23/09/2016

MPS response to the GMC’s consultation on the UK List of Registered M...

MPS response to the GMC’s consultation on the UK List of Registered Medical Practitioners development

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MPS used the consultation to make the point that the GMC’s ambition should be for information held on the register to be fully up-to-date, accurate, and dependable. This is the register’s core purpose and current function, and should remain so.

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Press release 27/10/2015

MPS responds to the CQC’s consultation on its regulation and inspecti...

MPS responds to the CQC’s consultation on its regulation and inspection regime for independent doctor services

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MPS has responded to the CQC’s consultation on how it inspects and regulates independent doctor services. While agreeing in principle to some elements of the CQC’s proposals, MPS does have significant concerns about the risks involved with adopting a one-size fits all approach to the regulation of all independent services.

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Press release 30/09/2015

MPS responds to proposals by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges an...

MPS responds to proposals by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the GMC for a new ‘generic professional capabilities framework’

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The generic professional capabilities dealt with in the ten domains of this framework are all important. In our response, MPS particularly noted the reference to ‘emotional resilience’ in Domain 1 of the proposed framework. Emotional resilience is a valuable attribute for any doctor.

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Press release 30/09/2015

MPS responds to the GMC’s consultation on changes to the information...

MPS responds to the GMC’s consultation on changes to the information it publishes about a doctors fitness to practise

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MPS has responded to the GMC’s proposals to change the information published and disclosed about a doctor’s fitness to practise. While MPS is supportive of a number of the proposed changes, we are concerned that the balance between the public interest and the individual interest of the doctor, is not being fully achieved.

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Press release 27/07/2015

MPS responds to the PSA consultation - The Review of the performance...

MPS responds to the PSA consultation - The Review of the performance of the health and care regulators

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MPS has responded to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) consultation, which outlines the proposal of a full performance review of health and care regulators.

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Press release 22/05/2015

MPS responds to GMC consultation on reforming fitness to practise rules

MPS responds to GMC consultation on reforming fitness to practise rules

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MPS has responded to the GMC’s proposals to reform the fitness to practice investigation and adjudication processes. We are concerned about some of the proposed changes, and these are outlined in the response.

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Press release 29/01/2015

MPS's response to the consultation on introducing mandatory reporting...

MPS's response to the consultation on introducing mandatory reporting for female genital mutilation

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MPS recognises that the policy decision has been made to introduce mandatory reporting for female genital mutilation (FGM). For this reason we will not comment on the policy decision itself. Having said that, MPS is of the view that the current General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines for reporting FGM are, in general, clear and appropriate.

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Press release 21/01/2015

MPS’s response to the consultation on ‘Proposals to Introduce a Statu...

MPS’s response to the consultation on ‘Proposals to Introduce a Statutory Duty of Candour for Health and Social Care Services’

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MPS fully supports a culture of openness in the NHS – a need for which was notably raised in the Francis Inquiry Report. We have long standing concerns that legal duties, such as a statutory duty of candour being proposed by the Scottish Government, fail to provide the impetus necessary for behavioural change.

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Press release 09/01/2015

Pre-consultation - Fixed Recoverable Costs Scheme

Pre-consultation - Fixed Recoverable Costs Scheme

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MPS has provided a pre-consultation in response to the rising cost of clinical negligence and a proposed Fixed Recoverable Costs Scheme.

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Press release 06/01/2015

MPS responds to proposals for an offence of wilful neglect or ill-tre...

MPS responds to proposals for an offence of wilful neglect or ill-treatment in Scottish health and social care settings

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The MPS has responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation on proposals to introduce a new offence of wilful neglect or ill-treatment in health and social care settings.

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Press release 18/11/2014

MPS responds to GMC sanctions review

MPS responds to GMC sanctions review

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MPS welcomes the opportunity to comment on these changes to the indicative sanctions guidance.

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