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Articles and features 25/08/2017

Day in the life of… Dr Pixie McKenna

Day in the life of… Dr Pixie McKenna

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I wake up bolt upright at 5.30am. I look in the mirror and realise I’ve inadvertently left my false eyelashes on from the previous day’s telly. They hang rather precariously from my upper lids – my mascara is half way down my cheeks and my hair is doing a good impersonation of Jedward. My husband rolls over and states that I look like a drag queen and promptly falls back to sleep.

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Advice booklet 04/07/2017

Handling the Media (UK)

Handling the Media (UK)

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Media scrutiny of you and your practice of medicine could put your personal and professional reputation at risk. The MPS Press Office is staffed by communications professionals experienced in dealing with the media.

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Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

Chapter 3: Professionalism - Great Expectations

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Today’s doctors are working in a constantly evolving environment, where many of the old expectations regarding the role of doctors, nurses and patients are being replaced by new ones. The roles themselves are changing – doctors are clinicians, leaders, teachers, managers, commissioners and purchasers of services.

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Professional expectations

Professional expectations

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Any doctor who specialises in a particular field would be expected to keep up-todate in that area. This would apply to all fields of medicine. Surgeons with a special interest would be expected to keep up-to-date with developments both in the field of general surgery and their area of special interest.

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Good Medical Practice advises doctors that they must be honest and trustworthy when signing forms, reports and other documents. It also requires doctors to make sure that any documents they write or sign are not false or misleading

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Contrasting patient experiences of their GP

Contrasting patient experiences of their GP

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Patient A: I’ve got a very good GP now, I have got a GP who actually knows what fibromyalgia is, he’s prepared just to sit and listen, he listens a lot, he’ll let me try new medications, obviously because of my science background I probably know more about fibromyalgia than he does because I read so much in research papers, but he’s very willing to let me be a guinea pig and to work with me, which I think is important with a doctor/patient relationship, you’ve got to work on this path of chronic pain together.

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The GMC's expectations on health

The GMC's expectations on health

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It is one of the great ironies that healthcare professionals are, generally, poor at taking care of their own health. Yet it is one of the core set of guidelines in Good Medical Practice that you have a responsibility to look after your health - if not for your own sake, then at least for your patients.

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The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

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Around 7% of allegations heard at fitness-to-practise hearings in 2011 were with regards to relationships with patients. As a doctor’s profession is defined by the duty of care to patients, it follows that standards of professionalism are entwined with the strength of the relationship between doctor and patient.

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Professionalism - The GMC's expectations on working with colleagues

Professionalism - The GMC's expectations on working with colleagues

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It is perhaps an understatement to say that teamwork is integral to the safe delivery of care within medicine, and the professional approach to good teamwork centres on good communication, mutual respect for others and proactively responding to any deficiencies in the team.

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How do FTP hearings work?

How do FTP hearings work?

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The GMC and the doctor in question are both invited to attend. The GMC is normally represented at the hearing by a barrister and the doctor is usually present and legally represented. Both parties may call witnesses to give evidence, who may be crossexamined by the other party. The Panel may also put questions to the witnesses.

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Press release 30/03/2017

Commenting on the consultation exploring changes to the framework whi...

Commenting on the consultation exploring changes to the framework which determines the Personal Injury Discount Rate

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Simon Kayll, CEO at the Medical Protection Society, comments on the consultation exploring changes to the framework which determines the Personal Injury Discount Rate

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Press release 14/02/2017

1 in 10 doctors offered Valentines card or gift from patient

1 in 10 doctors offered Valentines card or gift from patient

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Around 10% of doctors and consultants in the UK (1 in 10) say they have been offered a Valentine’s Day card or gift from a patient during their career, according to a survey by a leading medical protection organisation.

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Top 5 apps for 2017

Top 5 apps for 2017

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Dr Saba Tabish, an FY2 doctor in Wolverhampton, reviews five of the best apps for foundation doctors.

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