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Articles and features 29/06/2023

Avoiding burnout as a practice manager

Avoiding burnout as a practice manager

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General practice is under increasing strain, causing greater pressure on the whole practice team. Sam McCaffrey explores the greatest causes of stress amongst practice managers, and offers tips on how to increase resilience and avoid burnout.

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Articles and features 04/09/2019

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

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In a recent Medical Protection survey almost a third of doctors questioned were not comfortable discussing organ donation with a patient. With different laws across the UK and further changes imminent, this is maybe not surprising

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Factsheet 19/12/2018

Removing patients from the practice list

Removing patients from the practice list

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue and should only be used as a last resort. The reasons for removing a patient from the list can be varied, but it should not be in response to patients lodging a complaint or failing to comply with treatment.

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Factsheet 19/12/2018



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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Factsheet 07/12/2018



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The medical consultation is a challenge to both doctor and patient, whether in the community or in hospital. The need for more detailed discussions with patients, along with their increasing autonomy and right to make choices in relation to their clinical care and treatment, has affected the traditional role of the doctor-patient relationship. This has made maintaining appropriate professional boundaries in the doctor-patient consultation more challenging, however, the guidance from national and regulatory bodies is clear that it is always the health professional's responsibility to do so.

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News and updates 29/10/2018

Flu vaccine - supporting public health initiatives

Flu vaccine - supporting public health initiatives

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Medical Protection actively supports public health initiatives involving the vaccination of susceptible groups in the community, including the flu vaccine.

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Articles and features 09/10/2018

Ask the expert: Is a patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s co...

Ask the expert: Is a patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s confidential information?

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Is the patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s confidential information? Where a patient lacks capacity clinicians should consider what action is in the patient’s best interests.

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Articles and features 09/10/2018

Ask the expert: Are we obliged to facilitate a request for CCTV foota...

Ask the expert: Are we obliged to facilitate a request for CCTV footage of the practice car park?

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Are we obliged to facilitate a request for CCTV footage of the practice car park? You need to consider the confidentiality of other patients. Dr Rachel Birch, medicolegal consultant, answers a member’s query.

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News and updates 21/09/2018

Medical indemnity guidance from the BMA


Medical indemnity guidance from the BMA

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The BMA has recently updated their site with some medical indemnity guidance for GPs . Included in this guidance is their assertion that clinicians working in primary care will still need to retain their MDO membership.

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Articles and features 06/08/2018

Is my patient fit to fly?

Is my patient fit to fly?

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Now that the peak holiday season is upon us, GPs may find themselves asked to declare patients “fit to fly”. Dr Rachel Birch, medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, presents two case scenarios, illustrating what GPs can do to support patients while minimising potential risks.

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News and updates 08/03/2018

Government GP indemnity survey


Government GP indemnity survey

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The Government is surveying GP professionals in England to gain a clearer understanding of their needs ahead of the new state-backed scheme.

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News and updates 08/03/2018

GP state-backed indemnity - what we know so far


GP state-backed indemnity - what we know so far

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UPDATE: Eight months after the UK Government announced its intention to provide state-backed indemnity for GPs in England, we look at what we know about the planned scheme.

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News and updates 26/01/2018

Dealing with a complaint


Dealing with a complaint

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- when member benefits are much more than a ‘nice to have’. As a GP we know you’re facing constant pressure, with greater patient demands, increased regulatory control and the ever-looming risk of a complaint being made against you if something goes wrong. This is why we work hard to try and limit the stress that members face and support them wherever we can.

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Articles and features 08/11/2017

How manage a disruptive patient

How manage a disruptive patient

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Dealing with a disruptive patient can be one of the most challenging aspects of general practice. Senior Medicolegal Adviser Dr Richard Stacey provides advice on the best way to manage such a situation.

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Articles and features 08/11/2017

Protecting patient confidentiality

Protecting patient confidentiality

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Confidentiality is one of the most common risk factors in general practice. Kirsty Plowman looks at how a Medical Protection interactive risk management training session on confidentiality can help members lower their risk.

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